Who am I?
The title of this first post may be misleading. No, I am not having a identity crisis, I simply believe that the first post of a new blog should be about who is actually behind it and possibly about why adding more useless words in the already over-saturated internet.
Well, let’s start. I am a seasoned mechanical engineer, working as project director in the energy infrastructures sector around the world. I am not particularly in love with my job but it pays the bills well and it keeps giving me the opportunity to live around the world, to be in contact with many different cultures.
My real passion is actually scuba diving. I totally enjoy it, to the point of becoming an instructor and teaching others how to love the fantastic underwater world.
But you are right, why is an engineer who loves the bottom of the oceans, starting a site and a blog about photography?
Relevant question indeed.
As matter of fact, photography has been always part of my life since I was a kid. I’ve always being attracted by cameras. I owned several and still own some of them, even if I’ve been quite inconstant in actual photographing.
It took me a while to find out that photography is more than a passion, it is something that I actually need. When I had a look back at my life, it came out, not without surprise, that the periods when I was actively taking pictures, I was feeling better than the other times.
So as natural consequence, I began going back into photography with the new awareness that looking through a view finder is part of who I am, something somehow unavoidable.
And this site and blog represent the link between myself and photography, a place where to collect my needs, support them and to remind about myself.
No these pages are not aiming to attract visitors, to influence other minds or to become popular. But if by chance. they will give a tiny bit of inspiration to someone passing by, they will have achieved the unthinkable.
Just before I go, if someone was wondering, yes, I sometime combine passion and need, I do take pictures underwater but without the same satisfaction that I get when doing separately. So far, this is something I cannot really explain.
Enjoy Life.